The Twelve Tribes of Israel is the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people.
The Twelve Tribes of Israel (1250 BCE) overlaid with current Israeli borders.
Where were the twelve tribes of Israel?
The twelve tribes of Israel stretched from what is now Lebanon in the north, to Egypt in the south, to mid Jordan in the east, and to the Mediterranean Sea in the west...
...or in other words approximately the same territory that Israel covers today.
For 1300 years Jewish religion and culture thrived. It was during this period that Kings Saul, David, and Solomon reigned, and the Holy Temples were the focus of Jewish religion and culture in Jerusalem.
The Jewish presence began more than 3200 years ago after the Israelites exodused from Egypt. Since then, this Exodus is commemorated each year at the annual Passover seder. Despite numerous invasions, massacres, and exiles, the Jewish presence has been continuous for the entire time.
The twelve tribes of Israel , descendants of the sons and grandsons of the Jewish forefather Israel, were:
- Reuben
- Simeon
- Judah
- Issachar
- Zevulun
- Benjamin
- Dan
- Naphtali
- Gad
- Asher
- Ephraim
- Menasheh
The Twelve Tribes of Israel is the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people.
Where were the twelve tribes of Israel?
The twelve tribes of Israel stretched from what is now Lebanon in the north, to Egypt in the south, to mid Jordan in the east, and to the Mediterranean Sea in the west...
...or in other words approximately the same territory that Israel covers today.
For 1300 years Jewish religion and culture thrived. It was during this period that Kings Saul, David, and Solomon reigned, and the Holy Temples were the focus of Jewish religion and culture in Jerusalem.
The Jewish presence began more than 3200 years ago after the Israelites exodused from Egypt. Since then, this Exodus is commemorated each year at the annual Passover seder. Despite numerous invasions, massacres, and exiles, the Jewish presence has been continuous for the entire time.
The twelve tribes of Israel , descendants of the sons and grandsons of the Jewish forefather Israel, were:
- Reuben
- Simeon
- Judah
- Issachar
- Zevulun
- Benjamin
- Dan
- Naphtali
- Gad
- Asher
- Ephraim
- Menasheh
The Twelve Tribes of Israel (1250 BCE) overlaid with current Israeli borders.
Our mission is to educate the public regarding the foundational history of the Jewish people and Israel through a series of maps, from the time of the Twelve Tribes of Israel up to the present.